Integration with Visma Nmbrs

  • Employee synchronisation
  • Track time, expenses and travel easily
  • Track sickness and leave
  • Have hours approved by (project) manager or customer
  • Export all hours to Visma Nmbrs with ease
  • Available on mobile with the iOS and Android App
an illustration that shows that timechimp is at the center of the workflow and links to other tools, including visma nmbrs
A photo of two hands holding money topped with a user interface that shows that you can easily add a receipt to a declaration

Visma Nmbrs

Visma Nmbrs supports you in your daily HR tasks, so you can focus on what really matters: the optimal use of your existing and new employees. This way your employees are more involved in the organisation and they have access to important HR information anytime, anywhere. Things like their payslip or vacation days.

Connection to TimeChimp

You can simplify work processes for employees and yourself with this integration. Less data entry means time savings and a reduced chance of errors. Hours are easily tracked in TimeChimp and easily transferred to Visma Nmbrs. Employees can input their hours at any time or, for example, report leave via the handy mobile app. You can easily have these hours approved by a manager and/or the customer via our Approve module. You can also connect TimeChimp to your accounting package to have the entire time flow connected.

An illustration of timechimp's expenditure module that shows that you can easily add a receipt to a declaration

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