Project management

How do you ensure that you get the most out of your projects, without spending too much time on them? TimeChimp helps you to work on your projects without spending too much time on administration.

  • Easily add projects and budgets
  • Assign co-workers to specific projects
  • Quickly track hours and expenses
  • Real time insight in the status of projects
Een afbeelding van de user interface van timechimp die laat zien hoe je project met timechimp nooit uit de hand loopt
Een foto van een tafel met een laptop, koffie en verschillende documenten erop. Daarover een user interface die uitlegt dat shifts eenvoudig gewisseld kunnen worden met andere mensen

Manage your projects like a pro

If you’re working on projects, it’s important to have your administration up-to-date, always know what the status of your project is and be able to look ahead. TimeChimp helps you do all of this, without it taking up too much time.

  • Track time, expenses and trips per project
  • Plan projects and co-workers ahead
  • Set a budget based on hours, costs or rate
  • Get real time insights via our dashboards.
More on projectmanagement

Create an overview and transparency

If you and your co-worker collaboratively work on a project, it can be a challenge to keep a good overview. Also your clients will probably want to be updated on a regular basis. TimeChimp helps you do so. Easy does it.

  • Give clients real time insight via the customer portal
  • Use sub-projects within TimeChimp to divide your projects in phases
  • Assign co-workers to specific projects. They will only see projects they are assigned to.
  • Decide what a co-worker or project manager can see within a project with custom roles.
A visual of the timechimp project management graph, showing time being tracked on a budget

Getting started with project management?

Improve your projects with TimeChimp’s smart project management tool. This way you’ll always know how things are going and your customer will too. Easy does it!

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Our users about time tracking with TimeChimp

99% recommends TimeChimp
Kevin de Heer
Kevin de Heer
Manager Finance,
Ahold Delhaize

We use the information we get from TimeChimp for project management purposes. In addition, we also register the other activities so that the time administration is complete. Because we write conclusively, we can now do analyses at all hours and activities. In turn, we use these analyses for better future planning.

Roderick Koster
Manager Finance & Control
Solid Professionals

In particular, TimeChimp has provided us with a lot of insights; such as developments in the declarability of our employees, absenteeism, hourly rates and turnover per customer. The connection with Power BI is also very valuable for us here.

BAM Infra

TimeChimp provides up-to-date insight into the booked hours. All our users are positive. And because we work a lot with Excel, the ability to export the data from TimeChimp to Excel was also a real prerequisite for us to choose TimeChimp.

A visual with various elements of the customer portal

Get useful data

Would you like to see your project status at a glance? Then a good dashboard is essential. TimeChimp lets you choose what you want to see in your project dashboards, so that you can always focus on the right things.

  • The project dashboard gives you direct insight into important data. For example, the total amount of (billable) hours, expenses, budget, planned hours and unvoiced fees.
  • Add the integration with Power BI and add other data sources for a complete overview.
  • Use our dashboards within Power BI to get started right away.
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Optimise workflows with our integrations

At TimeChimp, we believe in the power of collaboration and that’s why we provide integrations with multiple software systems. For example CRM systems, accounting packages and payroll software. You can also make your own integration by using our API. The integrations prevent extra work and provide you with clearer insights.

  • Use the integration with tools like Exact Online, Visma Nmbrs or Twinfield and invoice projects from TimeChimp to your accounting package.
  • Use the integration with project software like Jira Atlassian and track your Jira-issue hours in TimeChimp.
  • Set-up an integration with your CRM-system like Hubspot and Pipedrive and automatically sync your clients.
All integrations
Een illustratie die laat zien dat timechimp het middelpunt is tussen verschillende integraties zoals afas, exact, visma nmbrs en hubspot

Useful features

A card depicting the project planning module of TimeChimp
A card of the timechimp interface showing approval

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