Testimonial from Solid Professionals

  • TimeChimp provides a lot of insights, including into employee billability
  • Intuitive and user-friendly User Interface for users and administrators
A photo of a woman explaining something in front of a whiteboard and a man sitting in front of the board with a laptop. That's what the logo and a quote from Solid Professionals are about.
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Since 2007, Solid Professionals has been helping companies in the financial sector to move forward with knowledge and capability in the field of Finance, Risk, Data and Development. Their many years of consulting experience, the Young Professional Program and their Solutions make Solid Professionals’ integrated approach strong and unique. They always work on the premise of trust and the conviction that ‘Honesty is the best policy’. On this basis, they want to be a top employer for their people and a sustainable partner for their customers. Solid Professionals is part of The Hup, a home and operating base for professionals from all kinds of fields. All of this resting on conviction that ‘Work should make you happy. In short: The Hup, with a P for people, because we work for and with people!’

As Finance & Control Manager, Roderick Koster is responsible for everything to do with Finance, Reporting and bringing and maintaining control in the organisation.

What issues did you encounter before starting to use TimeChimp?

“Before using TimeChimp, we used a time-tracking module within our payroll administration. It was possible to track hours with it, but the module’s technical possibilities were not extensive enough for us. What’s more, this module was not very user-friendly, either. We came across TimeChimp via Google.”

What does TimeChimp provide you in practice?

“Above all, TimeChimp has provided us with a lot of insights; these include developments in the billability of our employees, sick leave, hourly rates, turnover per customer, etc. The link with Power BI is also worth a lot to us. For our Operations department, TimeChimp has ensured that invoicing is quick and simple and unbilled hours can be properly identified and monitored.”

What is working with TimeChimp like?

“TimeChimp’s support department is readily available and reacts fast. They also take concrete action upon points for improvement/feedback that you provide. For example, several TimeChimp updates have been made to date as a result of my feedback. The tool continues to be developed, which is both good and important. Additionally, TimeChimp’s User Interface is intuitive and user-friendly, both for users and admins. This means that users don’t require much explanation or time to track their hours. For admins, this means that the implementation of and further changes to the TimeChimp environment are easy to carry out without extensive manuals or training.”

Which features stand out for you?

“There are a number of functions in TimeChinp that are very important to us, including the API that makes it possible to connect to other systems, for example, Power BI. This allows us to unlock and bring together important data. The connection to Twinfield is also important because it simplifies our invoicing process and finally the speed and simplicity of the invoicing module.”

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Overwater Pensioenconsultants

At Overwater Pensioenconsultants, they have been working with TimeChimp for years to make their work easier and more manageable! Read more here.

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BAM Infra

BAM infra is a TimeChimp customer. They are happy to share their positive experience with the time tracker tool.

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