Testimonial from Dijkstra’s Groenvoorzieningen

  • Insight into costs is now much improved
  • The employees book their hours and expenses in the app on their phone themselves, immediately at the end of the job
A picture of a man watering a garden. That's what the logo and a quote from Dijkstra's Groenvoorzingen are
Client since
Number of users

In recent years, Dijkstra's Groenvoorzieningen grew from two employees to twelve, and regularly hires extra workers. “We kept track of all hours and purchasing in a spreadsheet and that was no longer doable,” says Ina Dijkstra.

Dijkstra's Groenvoorzieningen is an all-round gardening company that designs, constructs and maintains green spaces for individuals and the business market. It also does projects for organizations such as Natuurmonumenten and Staatsbosbeheer. The gardening company from Uithuizermeeden started in 1948 and the third generation is now at the helm.

Value for money

“We got more customers, more projects and more employees, and it became increasingly difficult to keep an overview,” Ina looks back. She investigated whether time registration programs existed and reviewed various providers. In the end, she chose TimeChimp. “Value for money was the best.”

Plus point

She has now been working with the program for over two years. “The employees book their own hours and expenses in the app on their phones, right after the end of the job. That is already a huge plus. Because it is stored directly in the cloud, I can also access it immediately. If necessary, I can easily change or add things, such as third-party costs, and then create the invoice.” She also does the latter in TimeChimp. The support from TimeChimp is also great, she says. “Recently, the system was a bit slower than usual and when I reported that, it was immediately picked up and fixed.”

Planning module

However, the timely entry of the data by the employees is something you have to be on top of, says Ina. “That is and remains a point of attention. But compared to the old situation, I now always have immediate and better insight into the costs. In the past, that was always afterwards and once a week. So insight has increased enormously. The next step is that I also want to work with the planning module.”

TimeChimp offers a cloud-based time registration system with many additional functionalities. The system can be linked to various (accounting) programs. The program is very suitable for companies in the landscaping sector

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