Testimonial from Acutec BV

  • Program is extremely user-friendly
  • Program easily adaptable to your own needs
A photo of a man and a woman discussing. The woman is wearing a visitor pass. That's what the logo and a quote from Acutec are about.
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Acutec BV is a technical secondment agency. We match technical vacancies within mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, construction, underground infrastructure and civil engineering with engineers. We do this both for temporary vacancies via secondment, but mostly for longer periods via secondment to a future employer. The majority of our seconded employees are employed by the client after a year.


“My name is Karen Heere and I am responsible for financial administration, payroll administration and HR at Acutec, and time tracking falls within this.”

Faster payment process with TimeChimp

“We used to use a different time package for employee time tracking, but we regularly ran into problems with disrupted service. This was annoying for our employees, but above all negative for our customer relationships. It’s really important to us for project leaders and customers to have easy insight into the hours our employees work and that these hours can be approved in a simple manner. Hours worked must be indicated clearly on invoices and the approved timesheets with the project leader’s digital approval and their name must be attached to these invoices. This way our customers’ finance department knows immediately that the invoice is correct and that means the payment process happens that bit faster. This all happens impeccably with TimeChimp and it relieves both us, and our customers of worry.”

User friendly and service oriented

“Above all, the program is user friendly. What strikes me most is that I can continue to make adjustments at every step in the process; that saves irritations, credit notes and time. The search functions are extensive, as well as the selection criteria for what you do and don’t want to see. In brief, you can adjust the program really well to your own needs. As well as that, the helpdesk is knowledgeable and quick, so that if you get stuck at the beginning or have questions, they’ll get solved in no time. The development team is clearly always doing things, catalogues the wishes of TimeChimp customers and builds new features and tools.”

“We came across TimeChimp by simply googling which time tracking programs could communicate with our accounting package, Unit4. At the time, we invited 3 companies to come and give us a demo at the office. TimeChimp met our wishes the best. We then got in touch with 2 referees from the TimeChimp website, who work in a similar area to us, and then we were definitely won over. We haven’t had a moment’s regret about making this change!”

Other testimonials

BAM Infra

BAM infra is a TimeChimp customer. They are happy to share their positive experience with the time tracker tool.

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THOON is a happy TimeChimp customer, and they'll tell you more about the advantages and possibilities of the tool. It's really useful!

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Huizenhoog Architecten

Huizenhoog Architecten is very happy with TimeChimp. Their job has become a lot more fun and organized. Want to know more? Then read on.

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