Huizenhoog Architects

  • Super customer service
  • The program is clean and easy to use
  • Invoice sent in 3 clicks including time, travel and costs
A photo of a detailed drawing of a chair. That's what the logo and a quote from Huizenhoog Architects are about.
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Huizenhoog Architects is an architectural agency which has experienced strong growth in recent years. From sole proprietorship to a flourishing agency with a young, enthusiastic team. Always willing to listen to the customer’s wishes and look for new challenges and experiences. For example, they are continually busy mastering the latest technologies in order to best show the final designs.

What was your situation like before TimeChimp?

“We used to work with Excel/LibreOffice in combination with our calendar. Employees entered the blocks of time that they had worked into the calendar, and every week someone transferred all this data across to Excel. Then we had to look up (from the previous invoices) how much of an amount had already been invoiced, and manually look up the address details, invoice number, etc. and create an invoice. We learned of TimeChip from our account, who ‘had heard a bit about it’. And I started testing it myself.”

What does TimeChimp bring you in practice?

“SO. FREEKING. MUCH! First and foremost, ease: you can literally send an invoice for all outstanding billable hours for a project or a customer in three clicks of the mouse. Next: insight. You can enter budgets/maximums directly, and through the graphs you can see exactly how the project is doing (I also have the project add-in). Oversight: small things, like, for example, seeing which projects are for which customers, how much turnover you foresee from a particular customer, etc.”

What are TimeChimp’s greatest plus points for you?

“Super customer service, which will even make you a self-help video if there is something you can’t get. And then the ease. The program is clean, easy to use, and even the satellite apps for employees work in a super simple way.

After that, the invoicing module stands out the most for us. At the beginning of a project, you set all the parameters, for example, which activities are or aren’t billable, what the budget is, and who the finance contact person is. After that you literally click 3 times and the invoice is sent, without having to think about all the outstanding hours, travel, expenses, etc. A copy is sent directly to Exact Online too.

I would also like to say that TimeChimp is really, unbelievably AWESOME and I really mean that, and I tell everyone too. That’s why you are literally the only company I’ve ever written a review for. It’s so smart and user-friendly that even someone who really hates administration (I speak from experience ???? ) will just enjoy doing it. My work life has really improved by a factor of 10, simply because of something as ‘small’ as TimeChimp.”

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Acutec BV

Acutec has been working with TimeChimp for years and they are happy to tell you about their experiences with the tool and how it helps them.

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Overwater Pensioenconsultants

At Overwater Pensioenconsultants, they have been working with TimeChimp for years to make their work easier and more manageable! Read more here.

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